Discover Refurb Perfection with Loop’s Pre-loved Tech

POSTED: Oct 25, 2023

Maybe you’ve always bought new. Or maybe you’ve tried pre-loved, but from somewhere else. Either way you’re probably wondering, “Why should I switch to Loop Mobile?”.

No doubt you’ve come across refurb tech companies before. Unknown names with non-existent returns policies, selling tech that doesn’t work, has no guarantees and no warranties. Well, the good news is, Loop isn’t like that at all. We’re a global company that’s trusted by big global manufacturers to deliver the best refurbs on the planet.

And the reason they trust us? Because we use the most rigorous tests to make sure each device we refurbish works like new and has no hardware, software or data issues - from a 75-point quality check to using the world’s safest data wipe and diagnostics software, Blackbelt Defence.

Discover Refurb Perfection with Loop’s Pre-loved Tech

The Purest Pre-loved Tech on the Market

We know the history of every single device we get, so we can guarantee it is what we say it is. And we recover, refurbish and rehome them all ourselves. No 3rd parties. No cutting corners. No cheap parts. We get our devices from their original manufacturers, and we mostly use genuine and original manufacturer replacement parts.

We Call it Loop Proof

And when these devices come into our processing facilities, they are met with the world’s leading refurb programme. Every single one goes through an industry-leading 75-point quality check that tests every piece of hardware and software is working like new. From camera and battery functions to Wi-Fi performance and data wipes, you can rest assured our devices will work just like the manufacturer intended.

Discover Refurb Perfection with Loop’s Pre-loved Tech

Just Like Buying from New

And because we ensure our devices work like new, we’re happy to treat them like new. Which means every single one comes with a 12-month warranty. And we offer a 30-day, no quibbles return policy. All delivered in quality packaging that's special enough you’d be happy to give it as a gift. So, you see buying from Loop Mobile is just like buying a new device - except not as expensive.

But unlike new, you’ll be helping look after the planet too. When you buy refurbished tech, you reduce carbon emissions by up to 98% versus buying new, as well as saving water resources and reducing e-waste. We think that's pretty cool.

Discover Refurb Perfection with Loop’s Pre-loved Tech

So yes, you really can trust Loop Mobile.

Our state-of-the-art refurbishing processes and quality assurance mean the myths of refurb are over. No more dodgy batteries. No more dud devices. No more glitches. You can have the same confidence as buying from new - you only have to look at our Trustpilot reviews to see we're as good as our word. So, now you know we've got your back when it comes to enjoying the latest tech without paying the latest prices.

So why Loop? That’s why

Check out more videos on why you can trust Loop and why we offer the purest pre-loved tech in the market.
Loop Mobile. Our Quality Story. Trust in Loop.